Experimental documentary, a dissociation text-voice-image against the void of discourses.

Warsaw, June 8, 2012, four FEMEN activists - three Ukrainian, one French - offer themselves a superb moment in a sad zone. At the stadium, the first match of Euro 2012 football will begin. Servile homage to repression, thousands of fans come to let off steam. Dressed in the colors of Poland to go unnoticed, they infiltrate the crowd. In the temple of idleness they are about to emerge in a radically new and terribly subversive way. Half-naked, slogans painted on their bodies, they shoot the fire extinguisher on the world around them and chant harsh words that it is sweet to hear.

They were scattered in the crowd, in a few seconds they gathered in one mass; no less than thirty journalists camera in hand jostling in front of them. The fans are not outdone, they encircle, assault, and scream 'I will fuck you'. In less than two minutes the police add to the disorder and plate the activists against a wall, in less than five they are taken in a police truck.